Assessment of patients with severe temporomandibular disorder in Norway - A multidisciplinary approach


Oversigtsartikel Dato: 02.03.2016

Norge er i færd med at etablere et nationalt program for patienter med refraktær oro-facial smerte (TMD). Programmet omfatter en systematisk, multidisciplinær vurdering med en toårig opfølgning sammen med nationale, evidensbaserede retningslinjer for vur - dering og behandling af TMD. Denne artikel beskriver etablerin - gen af vurderingsprogrammet og aktuelle resultater.

Norway is in the process of establishing a national program for patients with refractory orofacial pain (TMD). The program comprises a systematic multidisciplinary evaluation with a two year follow-up, together with national evidence- based guidelines on the evaluation and treatment of TMD. This paper describes the establishment of the evaluation program and current results.